Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Teachings of Rev. Sun Myung Moon: See Through the Eyes of Love

Think how different the world would be if we were able to see the world through the eyes of love. Then how could we ever hurt each other, or abuse animals and the natural world for self-centered purposes? To revolutionize the world, let's start by changing ourselves from looking out only for ourselves, to seeing through the eyes of love for each another.

"The truth of the universe is tha
t we must acknowledge each other and help each other."

Rev. Moon teaches that the greatest person is the one who loves the most. In the end, the only thing that really matters is not how much knowledge, status or possessions we have gained in our lifetimes. What really matters is how much we have loved others.

"Pull out your old vision and replace it with new "eyeballs" of true love."

To practice true love, we must look at everything through the eyes of true love - our spouse, children, neighbors, all people and all of nature. Then everyone and everything becomes beautiful to behold.

"True love is a love that forgets it already gave love and gives love again."

Think of a mother, who unconditionally gives of herself to her children. That is the love that God has for each one of us. This is the love that we are meant to give to each other as well. When there is true love we never grow weary, because as we give love our hearts open up to receive more and more love coming to us from God.

"Love is the master key that opens the gates of happiness." - Oliver Wendell Holmes

For more information, go to Rev. Sun Myung Moon

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